I bought a Zuca Backpack LG Cart a few months ago after seeing online that some of my colleagues were using them to carry sound kit. I’d dismissed using a trolley for my location sound work, as I’d always imagined them as being more associated with drama work, which I generally don’t do much of. The Zuca Backpack carts looked like a flexible option however. My mobile kit consists of my sound bag, boom and a large rucksack and the Zuca would be able to carry it all, and also give me a “station” to work from.

It ticks all the boxes – lightweight, big enough to fit everything in and affordable. It’s made out of aluminium so is easily drilled for modification. There is a healthy online community of people who do just this and share many of their tips. I took the cart out on a few jobs and it wasn’t long before I realised some of its’ shortcomings and got the toolkit out. Here’s what I came up with:

Steel strips

First of all, I attached some slotted steel strips bought from a local hardware store. These are handy for attaching subsequent hardware like the Quick Fist pictured.

Manfrotto Clamp

Below each Quick Fist I attached a Manfrotto Clamp. I found the grip of the Quick Fist a bit too loose to give 100% peach of mind, especially when carrying C-clamps.

On the rear is a second Quick Fist / Manfrotto Clap pair, a kickstand from Decathalon and a cheap car seat bag for carrying small bits ‘n pieces.

On the other side there’s a bicycle handlebar bag. The handy thing about this bag is that it has a quick-release mechanism which means it can double as a run bag when I’m chasing talent around.


Finally, I added a removable tray (thanks to a tipoff on Facebook).

Fully loaded

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